Fineway Handbag Factory was established in year of 2004, we are professional OEM&ODM one-stop service manufacturer for different bags,like leather/PU/fabric women's bag, men's bag, costmetic bag, wallet/purse, blet and luggage cases, as well as some special customized bags.
We have 3 factories in Guangzhou city, Zhaoqing city and Guangxi province, and have 2 development centers in Guangzhou city. And also, we have merchandising office in Guangzhou and Hongkong to provide efficent services. At present, our factory has passed BSCI, SMETA, ARMANI, LVMH,INDITEX, RIVER ISLAND audits ect.
With more than 18 years history, Fineway's clients are from allover the world, serivicing the brands including Armani, Dior, M&S, RIVER ISLAND,KURT GEIGER, DEBENHAMS,TOMMY BAHAMA, KENETH COLE and ROSSMAN etc.,as well as domestic brands -PLOVER, goldlion, Sathi ,MINISO etc.Our products is exported to more than 100 hundreds coutries, including US,Europe, Southeast Asia and Middle East.
We have more than 15000 Sqm workshop , 500+ skilled workers and with morden&automatic facilities. We are a strong big team with strict quality control and stable production capability, we are here and expecting to cooperate your bags order production.